Category Personal

How to Sell Your Stuff

“The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.” – Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club Why We Collect Stuff Your stuff lives in your garage, your attic, and your cupboards.…

So What Happened?

Hi Everyone – it’s been a while! We left off somewhere near the Blue Ridge Parkway last June – so what have we been doing the past 5 months, and why did we stop posting? First I’ll (quickly) fill you…

Planes, Trains & Automobiles?

As of this posting Rich and I have been on our work-travel journey for about 7 weeks. One thing I’ve learned already is that when you start out on an adventure like this, it feels like a vacation. You can’t…

Sorting Through the Piles of Belongings

When I first read Tim Ferris’ “Four Hour Workweek” I was instantly spellbound by the freedom that he described in his lifestyle chapter, where he simply put his belongings into storage for months at a time and traveled the world…

A Word About Stress

As I’m sure you can imagine, packing your whole life into storage and preparing for months on the road is a bit stressful. Kathy and I have a solid relationship, but the weeks of stress leading up to getting on…