Category California

RV Camping in Idyllwild, CA

RV Camping in Idyllwild, CA

Winter RVing in Southern California is a tricky thing. Southern California is close to South Carolina in latitude, so it doesn’t sit as far south as Florida, and as a result doesn’t get as warm. Add in the Pacific Ocean,…

Christmas in Atlanta

Multicolor Music Lights

While I like all the good things about Christmas like visiting family, eating sweets and junk food with reckless abandon, watching Christmas Vacation and Rudolf and so on, I pretty much abhor commercialism and everything that modern Christmas represents. As…

Getting Started

When getting started I find it’s best to start at the beginning. Kathy and I have been partners since 1998, and have been married since 2008. During that time we’ve traveled a lot by most people’s standards. I’ve driven across…