Hi Everyone – it’s been a while!
We left off somewhere near the Blue Ridge Parkway last June – so what have we been doing the past 5 months, and why did we stop posting?
First I’ll (quickly) fill you in
We drove the full Blue Ridge and loved it. The Blue Ridge Parkway is outstanding! We spent the summer in New England – 6 weeks in Worcester MA, then 4 weeks in Orange MA. Watched my brother get married, spent time in Boston, NYC, Providence, Acadia NP and more.
We spent the first week of October dog sitting in Groton MA, then hit the road October 8th to see my sister graduate from coastguard FS school (food services) in Petaluma, CA – north of San Francisco.
Finally we headed down the coast to Orange County, rented an apartment for 4 months, and got our stuff out of storage. That brings us to a week ago. Whew!
Why did we stop posting?
Other than being tired and incredibly busy, the real reason we stopped posting is because our site is a travel log, and travel logs are boring!
Our initial intent with this site was to write a travel blog – but more than that it was to inspire people to do what they want with their lives. Clearly we’re failing in a big way on the second point, and yet that point is the more important and significant message we want to promote.
What are we planning to write about going forward?
We certainly haven’t given up on this site, and if you’re reading this I encourage you to subscribe to our feed, as we’re planning to refocus this site and our energy into helping others break out of their cage and live life the way it’s meant to be lived.
I used a mushroom as the main photo for this post, as mushrooms and fungi grow from the decay around them – they literally harvest unused energy and turn it into something positive.
I’d like to think I can do the same thing with this site.
Of course, actions speak louder than words – so stay tuned.