RV Questions and Answers

Class A vs. Class C RV, RV Insulation, and more

This is the first in a series of RV Questions that we’ve received via contact form or from Youtube, along with our answers. If you’d like to ask us a question and be featured in an upcoming article, please use our contact form here.

RV Question #1 from JoAnn

Rest Easy Couch
Rest Easy Couch
Hi……thank you for sharing the video of your Winnebago Aspect. My husband and I have been looking at the Aspect 27K and have considered ordering one with a couch instead of the dinette. I was very impressed with the pull-out foot rest and reclining features on your couch. Could you please tell me what kind it is and if it was purchased after-market or is it one that Winnebago uses. Thanks again and safe travels!

Rich Answers: The couch in our Aspect is one of the best features – we love it! It’s the ‘Rest Easy’ Couch option, and it’s an optional feature from Winnebago – not aftermarket. The Rest Easy couch is an option on both the 27K and 30C – click here to see the floorplans.

You can also click here to read more about the Rest Easy sofa. Good luck JoAnn!

RV Question #2 from Wil

Just viewed and followed your video from youtube to your site and wanted to say thank you for sharing your home. Just started looking into RVing lifestyle and the number one thing I’m looking for in a RV is how good the insulation is. So anyways I wanted to ask you how well insulated your RV is. I love that specific model and perhaps the same year too. Best wishes to you and your wife in your exciting lifestyle.

Rich Answers: – Our Winnebago Aspect is well insulated compared to many RVs – and much better insulated than most travel trailers. Winnebago uses several inches of high density foam insulation in the walls, ceiling, and floor – although there are a few spaces that aren’t insulated well, including behind the TV/Stereo area, the cab of the RV, the propane heater compartment, and windows (of course).

[box_right]The propane heater automatically comes on in the Aspect even if we choose the ‘electric heat only’ option (A/C Heat Pump) if the room temperature is more than 2 degrees below the set temperature.[/box_right]When we close the RV up entirely we can’t hear much outside – and we can play movies or music very loudly inside that can barely be heard from the outside. Our RV does a good job of maintaining heat down to about 50 degrees – however I wouldn’t try living in it in temperatures that are consistently below 40 degrees. We spent a night at 28 degrees and stayed warm, however our electric heater couldn’t keep up so the RV propane heater kicked on several times to compensate. It works, but the propane heater uses a lot of propane, so it isn’t the most cost efficient way to camp. That’s why most full-time RVers head south for the winter.

Many RV manufacturers list the R-Value (Insulation rating) of the ceiling, walls, and floors – but unfortunately Winnebago doesn’t. I do know that Newmar makes some of the best insulated RVs in the business, but NewMar RVs are more expensive than most. That said, if I were looking for a true 4-season RV, I’d start with Newmar or RV manufacturers that offer a 4-season package.

If you’re planning to camp in the snow then look specifically for double pane windows – as most heat loss happens through windows, and insulated and heated holding tanks to prevent frozen tank damage (cracking). You can also improve your RVs insulation by covering the windows with foam, filling roof vents with cushions (they make 14 x 14 vent cushions for this purpose) and by covering the gap between the ground and your RV with tarps to insulate under the RV. Good luck!

RV Question #3 from Ron

We also have a 2012 Aspect and I see your front seats swivel. Was that an option? I asked my dealer and he said never heard tell of them. Any idea how I can get them?

Rich Answers: Yes, the swivel seats were an option. You can purchase the swivel bases from Winnebago – you might be able to find them on winnebagoparts.com. I also found aftermarket swivel seat bases for RVs at discountvantruck.com. and here’s a forum thread about the aftermarket swivel seats on rv.net. I hope that helps and good luck!

RV Question #4 from Brad

My wife and I are interested in traveling in an RV. Not sure about full timing but extended trips maybe a month or two at a time. I grew up camping in a trailer. But now I am having a hard time trying to decide between a trailer, fifth wheel or one of the two classes of motorhome, A or C.

My question for you is did you consider a Class A motorhome before choosing your class C? Why did you then choose your class C over a Class A? Thanks for any advice you could offer!

Winnebago Journey Class A RV
Winnebago Journey Class A RV
Rich Answers: Yes, we did consider a class A, and even took a 37-foot Class A for a test drive. We like the room in class As – especially the interior height and storage space, however Class A’s are bigger than Class Cs, and they feel much bigger on the road than a Class C, which feels more like driving a van. We also wanted Kathy to feel comfortable driving whatever RV we purchased and she was freaked out at the thought of driving a Class A, so that was a consideration.

We also took into account length as we like staying in state and national parks, and many state parks limit you to 35 or even 30 foot RVs. Most Class As are longer than 35 feet, and some are between 40 and 45 feet.

Finally there’s cost. Class Cs are almost all less expensive than the cheapest of Class As. Most Cs are less than $100K new, whereas gas Class As are between $100K and $200K, and diesel pusher As are $200K and up. This was our first RV and we weren’t sure how much we’d like the full-time RV lifestyle, so we didn’t want to spend so much that we had no other options if we hated it!

We seriously considered the Thor A.C.E. which is sort of an A and sort of a C (A.C.E. stands for Class A and Class C Evolution), and I think it’s still a great option. The A.C.E. is actually less expensive than our RV, however I prefer our floor plan and we were both more comfortable with Winnebago’s reputation for durability, longevity, construction quality, and resale value.

Ultimately we chose the Aspect 30C because the 3 slides makes it feel as spacious as a smaller class A, without having to drive or set up a class A in camp. The Shorter height and slightly more aerodynamic shape are added bonuses.

We hope you found this first installment of RV Q&A informative. Don’t forget, if you’d like a question answered go to our contact page and ask. We usually respond to questions within 24 hours.

Until next time, happy trekking!


Hi, I'm Rich - Traveler, photographer, writer, and web developer. Thanks for reading, and happy trekking!

Articles: 104

One comment

  1. Thanks for the post. I like that you brought up the point that most national parks will limit an RV to 30-35 foot range. I travel a lot and think a class c would be ideal for me. I think you have better maneuverability in the smaller RV.

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